Entretien avec Diane Pernet
Quel est votre coup de coeur parmi ces films ?
Étant du signe de la balance, je peux difficilement ne
choisir qu'un seul film. Je citerai donc les deux propositions
de Marcelo Krasilcic, Myself et VPL. Elles sont très
différentes. J'apprécie Myself pour sa définition essentielle
de la mode : la mode est là lorsque les choses fonctionnent
entre elles, lorsque l'on porte un vêtement et que l'on s'y
sent bien. Le concept de la vidéo est simple : Chloe Sevigny
essaie des fringues, et elle atteint pratiquement un orgasme
alors qu'elle enfile un vêtement du label Myself. VPL met
en scène, quant à lui, deux actrices d'apparence banale,
portant des sous-vêtements VPL, qui ne sont pas du tout
glamours. J'aime leur manière chaotique de communiquer,
la manière dont elles utilisent le langage corporel pour
s'exprimer. J'aime aussi le fait qu'il n'y ait aucune bande
Parmi les films que j'affectionne, il y a aussi Dress Code :
Tenue de Cocktail de Patricia Canino et Sergei Pescei. Je
trouve cette vidéo très provocatrice, fraîche et nostalgique.
C'est indiscutablement une manière raffinée de montrer de
splendides robes vintage.
Los Angeles Times - August 05, 2006 (in print edition E-1)
Fun is what Meister stands for
You Wear It Well film fest debuts.
Decades’ Cameron Silver, fashion designer Kevan Hall and stylist Arianne Phillips were among those who came out for the first You Wear It Well fashion film festival in Hollywood on Tuesday. Roughly 25 films were screened at the event, which was organized by photographer-artist Dino Dinco and Paris-based fashion blogger Diane Pernet.
Some were better than others, and a few were nothing more than artsy advertisements for little-known labels. But the themes that emerged proved that the festival deserves time to develop and grow. Nick Knight and Nigel Buck’s “Diversity Is a Form of Wealth” challenged the definition of beauty by going behind-the-scenes at the runway show John Galliano cast from the circus and the street, while Patricia Canino and Sergei Pescei’s “Love Affair” brought to mind how clothes can make a woman feel like a star in her own movie.
By Booth Moore
Style - September 25, 2007
... Just got home from the You Wear It Well screening at the Tribeca Grand. Although I hesitated when I was running out the door -- in the middle of hours and hours of work, I had no time to change -- and realized I was wearing Birkenstocks, a neon orange tennis skirt, an embroidered top that cost me a buck-fifty at a thrift store in Bellevue, Nebraska, and a busted-up bag, albeit Prada, that's been repaired more times than I care to consider, and some seriously nerdy glasses, to the premier fashion film festival. Not quite the statement one longs to make, but off I went and am glad that I did. The drinks were delicious, the films by Maison Martin Margiela, Jeremy Scott, Patricia Canino & Sergei Pescei and more even better, and I sat in the back with top literary escort Dino Dinco and whispered in the dark. Of course my dream is that Stephen Lance will someday make me a film of "Dress Like a Cat Until You Get What You Want," preferably in time for the next edition of the festival. Oh and Bernard Wilhelm, if you ever you change your mind, I'm first in line.